Bagdassarian, Carey

With a background in equilibrium and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, I’ve worked as a theoretician in the fields of molecular self-assembly, crystal-growth dynamics, protein motors, enzyme inhibitor design, enzyme dynamics, complex systems theory, and ecosystem science and food-web dynamics. But along the way I’ve carried an overarching fascination with metaphor, story, art, and the human necessity […]

Blank, Paula

Paula Blank (M.A. Linguistics, Ph.D. English Language and Literature, Harvard University), teaches all things Shakespeare (and many things Renaissance, generally). She has published two books about Shakespeare, one about the Bard’s role in the rise of a national language (Broken English, Routledge, 1996), and another on Shakespeare and early modern science (Shakespeare and the Mismeasure […]

Blum, Mike

Mike is the Senior Academic Technologist for the Humanities. He holds an MA in English Literature from the College of William & Mary and an MA in Medieval English Literature from the University of Virginia. It was at the University of Virginia where he first began to develop an interest in academic technology, when he […]

Bourdeau, Loic

Education and Degrees: PhD in French with a Designated Emphasis in Feminist Theory and Research, University of California, Davis MA in French, University of California, Davis MA (Research) in French, University of Durham (Durham, UK) BA & Maitrise in Literatures and Cultures in English, Université de Limoges (Limoges, France)  Research Interests:  18th to 21st Century […]

Campbell, Bruce

Bruce Campbell teaches in German Studies (in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures), and is the Program Director of European Studies. He has also taught in History and Literary and Cultural Studies at the College of William and Mary. He received his M.A. and Ph.D. in European History from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His […]

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Ginzbursky-Blum, Bella

Courses Taught: Here is a list of courses taught: All levels of Russian language Russian Myths and Legends Soviet Animation Research Interests: Soviet Animation Folklore Other Information: Russian House Advisor Dobro Slovo Chapter Advisor

Hui, Calvin

Calvin Hui is Assistant Professor of Chinese Studies in Modern Languages and Literatures at the College of William and Mary. In May 2013, he received his PhD in Literature at Duke University, after completing his dissertation “The People’s Republic of Capitalism: The Making of the New Middle Class in Post-Socialist China, 1978 – Present” under […]

Irby, Georgia

Georgia Irby is an intellectual omnivore whose research focuses primarily on the History of Science in Greek and Roman antiquity, especially cartography. She has published on Roman army religion, Greco-Roman astrology, alchemy, and cosmology. She is particularly interested in how “science,” broadly defined, is presented in Greek and Roman literature (especially epic and tragedy). Forthcoming […]

Otto, Steve

Steve serves as Director of Communications for Arts & Sciences. With a broad background in communications (scholarly and general editor; advertising producer for print, radio, television; strategic communications/planning for national nonprofit groups), he uses the tools of communications and planning to clarify goals, devise workable strategies, and pull together the right people to get the […]